Thierry Abou Jaoude

Lawyer in Training, Abou Jaoude & Associates Law Firm

Areas of expertise
  • Corporate Law

  • Banking

  • Data & Privacy

  • Dispute Resolution

  • Employment and Benefits

  • LLB (Bachelor of Laws) (with Master 1 in Business Law), Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon.

  • Master 2 in Corporate Law and Taxation, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France.

  • Certificate in US Business Law, Columbia University, USA.

  • Certificate in English Legal Methods, Cambridge University, UK.

  • Certificate in Oil & Gas Contracts, Professional Training Program at the Beirut Bar Association and the Aberdeen Oil and Gas Center.


Thierry works within the Corporate Law, Banking, and Dispute Resolution practice group. He has gained professional experience in conducting legal research, and participating in the drafting and review of various legal documents, including pleadings and motions related to civil, penal and administrative lawsuits, as well as legal memoranda and commercial agreements. He assists on domestic and international transactions, and advises clients on regulatory compliance matters.