
SADER is a Lebanon-based provider of comprehensive legal and business solutions for and about the Middle East, with additional operations in the UAE, Jordan, Cyprus, KSA and Kuwait. The group is comprised of six main entities focused on providing law services, legal publication, printing, legal research, legal consulting, legal translation and LegalTech for the legal community.

Established in 1863, the company began acquiring a reputation of firsts, fairly early in its history. Among the most notable of its firsts are its contribution to the publishing of the first legal book, its publication of the first law Journal in the Arab world, and the implementation of a law compendium, the first of its kind in the region. Since then, the company has grown to encompass a multi-disciplinary business model that facilitates access to Arab legal information of interest to local, regional and international clients. SADER disseminates knowledge to make the law accessible to every person, publicizing legal materials like law compilations, case decisions and judgments, commentaries, legal studies, references and more.

SADER Group collaborates with regional law experts, to serve a multilingual, multicultural client base, making available up-to-date print and online legal information in Arabic, English and French.