Reem Benshams

Reem Benshams

Junior Associate, Zu’bi & Partners Attorneys & Legal Consultants, Kingdom of Bahrain


+973 3693 9911 / +973 3961 1699 /


Bachelor in Laws (LLB), Royal University for Women


With training at the Central Bank of Bahrain and Supreme Judicial Council, Reem Benshams has invaluable experience pertaining to the regulations of the Kingdom of Bahrain, with particular focus to banking and finance, fintech, and the regulatory sandbox.

Before joining Zu’bi & Partners Attorneys & Legal Associates, Reem received her Bachelor of Laws degree from the Royal University for Women, paving her way for her continued studies in Contemporary Legal Topics at the University of Oxford.

Reem’s eagerness to broaden her knowledge led her to receive high distinction in the Anti-Money Laundering Awareness Program held by the Bahrain Institute for Banking and Finance (BIBF) as well as achieve the Professional Legal Practice Certificate (PLPC) form the Judicial and Legal Studies Institute of Ministry of Justice.

Her fluency in English and Arabic paved the way to her multi-faced skillset and knowledge of the laws in the Kingdom.