Dr. Okan Gunduz

Dr. Okan Gunduz

Partner, Gunduz Legal (Istanbul, Turkey)


Email: ogunduz@gunduz.av.tr

Tel: +90 (216) 371 9321

Website: www.gunduz.av.tr

  • Ph.D., Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ph.D. in Private Law

  • L.L.M., Golden Gate University, LL.M. in International Legal Studies

  • L.L.B, Marmara University Faculty of Law


From working at Herguner Bilgen Ozeke to opening his own practice in 2009, Dr Okan Gunduz has represented clients large and small, and individuals for nearly 20 years. He has hands-on experience in all fields of dispute resolution and commercial law. Dr Gunduz speaks Turkish and English. He is also an admitted solicitor in England and Wales and admitted attorney in New York State, USA.