Anir Chatterji

Anir Chatterji

EMEA Immigration Partner, Solicitor (England and Wales), U.S. Attorney-at-Law (New York)


+971 (0)55 876 1249

  • LPC, College of Law, UK

  • Law with Politics, LL.B., Keele University, UK

  • Member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association

  • Member of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association

  • Registered with the UK’s Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner


Anir specialises in global immigration law and policy. He is a dual-qualified lawyer (Solicitor of England and Wales and U.S. Attorney-at-Law, New York) with broad experience in immigration risk and compliance. Anir has substantial experience managing Immigration programmes for corporate clients across a range of sectors including, finance, consulting, energy, manufacturing and IT. He managed immigration on-site for a multinational bank and has delivered corporate immigration services for top-ranked immigration practices. Anir is currently focusing on aligning government policy with corporate business strategy for leading global companies in the MENA region. Anir is also dedicated to delivering technological solutions for the management of risk and compliance associated with mobility and HR practices.

Anir is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and Immigration Law Practitioners' Association. He holds a degree in Law and Politics and is also registered with the UK’s Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.