Medical Indications for Exemption from COVID-19 Vaccination


The following list of medical indications is to be considered for individuals who are unable to take one of the Covid-19 vaccines available in Dubai. The list may be adjusted as more information related to vaccines becomes available.

  • Severe allergic reaction to first dose of a vaccine e.g. anaphylaxis.

  • Immediate severe allergic reaction to first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, defined as any hypersensitivity-related signs or symptoms such as urticaria, angioedema, respiratory distress such as wheezing, or anaphylaxis that occur within four hours following exposure. Most occur 15-30 minutes following vaccination and should be distinguished from other symptoms, such as vasovagal attack or vaccine side effects. The majority of people with anaphylaxis also present with skin findings.

  • Persons with mild immediate allergic reaction can be given the second dose under medical supervision.

  • Person’s choice not to have a second dose following a documented allergic reaction to the first dose.

  • Known proven and documented allergy to any of the vaccine components, polysorbate or polyethylene glycol. The appendix provides a list of medications that contain these products.