Dubai Health Authority External Circular No. DHA/OUT/2022/002367

Onboarding Outpatient Clinics to the Health Information Exchange Platform (NABIDH) in the Emirate of Dubai

To: All Outpatient Clinics operating within the jurisdiction and supremacies of the Dubai Health Authority:

Hence, and based on the jurisdiction and scope of the DHA, and to maintain patient safety in health facilities, we hereby announce that:

  • All *Outpatient Clinics operating within the jurisdiction and supremacies of the Dubai Health Authority must ensure onboarding to the NABIDH platform as a pre-requisite for applying for a new or/renewing the Clinic`s license in Sheryan; effective 30/06/2023.

  • All Outpatient Clinics should obtain an *Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that complies with the NABIDH Minimum Data Set and Standards, which can be accessed at the following link: Nabidh Policies and Standards

  • The list of NABIDH connected EMR providers can be obtained from the below link: NABIDH | صإبن

However, Outpatient Clinics have the right to choose any other EMR in the market that complies with DHA NABIDH requirements.