Dubai Health Authority External Circular No. DHA/OUT/2021/0002549

Provision of COVID-19 Vaccine Services in Dubai

To: All DHA Licensed Health Facilities that provide COVID-19 Vaccine Services -Dubai

Dubai Health Authority appreciates the ongoing support and collaboration offered by its Strategic Partners to improve the provision of healthcare services in the Emirate of Dubai.

Referring to the above-mentioned subject and the commitment of DHA to ensure the quality of healthcare services provided in the Emirate of Dubai and the compliance by health facilities with rules and regulations in place for COVID-19 vaccine services , and in line with DHA earlier circular (Dubai Health Authority External Circular No. DHA/OUT/2021/0001099) dated 18 Referring to the above-mentioned subject and the commitment of DHA to ensure the quality of healthcare services provided in the Emirate of Dubai and the compliance by health facilities with rules and regulations in place for COVID-19 vaccine services , and in line with DHA earlier circular (Dubai Health Authority External Circular No. DHA/OUT/2021/0001099 dated 18\03\2021) regarding "Standards for COVID-19 Vaccination Centers " it is to draw attention to the following points: 3\2021) regarding "Standards for COVID-19 Vaccination Centers" it is to draw attention to the following points: