Dubai Health Authority External Circular No. DHA/OUT/2021/0002259

Standards for COVID-19 Fever Clinic and COVID-19 Assessment Centres

To: All DHA Licensed Health Facilities -Dubai

Dubai Health Authority appreciates the continuous support and cooperation provided by its strategic partners to improve the provision of healthcare services in the Emirate of Dubai.

As part of Dubai Health Authority’s commitment to provide its partners with all developments related to health practices, legislation and regulations governing the provision of health services, health, curative, preventive and pharmaceutical products in the health sector in the Emirate of Dubai.

In line with the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the United Arab Emirates in general and the Emirate of Dubai in particular, hereby announces the publication of the “Standards for COVID-19 Fever Clinic” and “Standards for COVID-19 Assessment Centres” in collaboration with COVID-19 Command and Control Center.

Accordingly, all health professionals and health facilities licensed by DHA must familiarise with the aforementioned standards attached to this circular and strictly adhere to the provisions contained therein in order to avoid any legal accountability.