Disclosure of Documents in Civil Proceedings
In the UAE, under Federal Decree-Law No. 35/2022 Promulgating the Law of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Transactions, there is no obligatory process of disclosure of documents and inspection as there is in common law jurisdictions, such as England pursuant to the UK Civil Procedure Rules.
It is up to each party to file the documents it wishes to rely upon for its case. There is also no obligation on a party to disclose a document that is damaging to its case or helpful to the opposing party.
However, UAE courts can oblige a party to disclose documents they hold if there is a good reason to do so.
Parties can disclose or request documents at any point during the course of proceedings before the judgement. For example, if a party included a document in support of their case, the opposing party could file a further document in their reply to the first party.