The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
The UN General Assembly established the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime through Resolution 55/25 dated 15 November 2000 .
The main aim of the Convention is to provide a global response to the global challenge of cross-border crimes, promoting cooperation to prevent and combat transnational organised crime effectively.
The Convention applies to prevention, investigation and prosecution of offences related to organised criminal groups, laundering of criminal proceeds, corruption and obstruction of justice as well as the “serious crime” as defined by the Convention where the offence is transnational.
This Practice Note will provide the reader with a general and non-exhaustive overview of the main and most relevant provisions of the Convention and the legal framework established by the UN for international cooperation against transnational organised crime.
The Convention : The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime .
Organised criminal group: Structured group of three or more persons acting in concert and aiming at committing serious crimes or offences established by the Convention in order to obtain financial or other material benefit.