Health and Safety Risk Assessment (English/Arabic)
1 Introduction
1.1 This risk assessment outlines the health and safety risks we have identified within our organisation. Our arrangements and measures to control and manage those risks and key issues to be addressed are contained in our separate Health and safety plan.
2 Responsibility
2.1 The person with overall responsibility for this risk assessment is insert name.
2.2 Individual delegated responsibilities for particular health and safety issues are documented in the health and safety plan.
2.3 Insert name(s) undertake[s] an annual risk assessment to ensure it remains effective. Records of the reviews are maintained [and documented in our health and safety annual review record] by insert name(s) and any necessary amendments are made to the health and safety plan as appropriate.
2.4 All members of staff in the firm have a role to play in complying with health and safety obligations and are encouraged to make further suggestions in relation to measures we could undertake. If a member of staff has a suggestion, they should contact insert name or details.