Banking & Financing Toolkit


Legislation DNA


Law Number

Law Heading

Publication Date

Amended by:

Abrogating / Amending

United Arab Emirates

Federal Decree-Law No. 14/2018

Regarding the Central Bank & Organization of Financial Institutions and Activities

13 Muharram 1440 H (23/09/2018)

Federal Decree-Law No. 1/2020 dated 09/07/2020;

Federal Decree-Law No. 25/2020 dated 27/09/2020;

Federal Law No. 2/2021 dated 08/03/2021;

Federal Decree-Law No. 9/2021 dated 26/07/2021;

Federal Decree-Law No. 23/2022 dated 26/09/2022


Federal Law No. 10/1980 dated 02/08/1980;

Federal Law No. 6/1985 dated 15/12/1985

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Royal Decree No. M36/1442


Saudi Arabia Cabinet Decision No. 229/1442 Approving the Saudi Central Bank Law

On the approval of the Law of Saudi Central Bank

11 Rabi Al Akhar 1442 H (26/11/2020)


Saudi Arabian Cabinet Decision No. 103/1377 approved by Saudi Arabia Royal Decree No. M23/1377 dated 23/05/1377 AH


Qatar Law No. 13/2012

Promulgating the Law of Qatar Central Bank and the Regulation of Financial Institutions

18 Muharram 1434 H (02/12/2019)



Qatar Decree-Law No. 1/1966 dated 07/02/1966,