Resignation and Termination
This Practice Note will look focus upon the termination and resignation provisions under DIFC Law No. 2/2019 DIFC Employment Law, which came into force on 28 August 2019, replacing DIFC Law No. 4/2005 DIFC Employment Law as amended by DIFC Law No. 3/2012. Please note that this Note will focus only on DIFC law, and not on the UAE's onshore Federal Law No. 9/1980 Concerning the Regulation of Labour Relations.
A draft proposal of DIFC Law No. 2/2019, which was intended to create more of a balance between the entitlements of both employers and employees, was circulated amongst practitioners before the law was enacted but not necessarily all of the proposed amendments were enacted in the final version of DIFC Law No. 2/2019.
Practical Guidance
Probation period
Now DIFC Law No. 2/2019 formally recognizes the concept of probation whereas previously it did not. There is no requirement for minimum notice if resigning within the notice period. If within the probation period the employee can resign without giving any notice.