Annual AML Returns and Annual Information Returns


A relevant person is required to file an annual anti-money laundering (AML) return with the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) covering the details from 1 August of the previous year to 31 July of the reporting year by the end of September of the reporting year. The return is filed to demonstrate the relevant person’s compliance with AML regulations. Similarly, the relevant person who is a registered auditor must file an annual information return for each calendar year and submit it to the DFSA by 31 January of the following year.

This Practice Note elaborates on AML returns and annual information returns that the relevant person needs to submit, along with the required information and documents to be submitted with the return.


  • AML: Anti-money laundering.

  • Authorised person: Authorised firm or an authorised market institution.

  • Authorised firm: An authorised person who holds a licence to carry on one or more financial services in or from the DIFC and is not an authorised market institution.

  • Authorised market institution: An authorised person operating an exchange, a clearing house or an alternative trading system.

  • Beneficial owner: A beneficial owner includes the following: