Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 676/1446 On the Approval of the Implementing Regulation of the Law of Legal Practice
Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 4649/1423 dated 08/06/1423H.
Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 1417/1444 dated 19/04/1444H.
Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 2403/1443 dated 06/09/1443H.
Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 186/1444 dated 25/01/1444H.
Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 3453/1442 dated 24/12/1442H.
The Minister of Justice,
Based on the powers vested in him by law and according to Article (42) of the Law of Legal Practice, promulgated by Saudi Arabia Royal Decree No. M38/1422 28/07/1422H.,
After perusal of Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 4649/1423 of 08/06/1423H., Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 3453/1442 of 24/12/1442H., and Saudi Arabia Ministerial Decision No. 1417/1444 of 19/04/1444H., upon coordination with the Saudi Bar Association, based on the public interest requirements.
Decides the following:
First: Approval of the Implementing Regulation of the Law of Legal Practice as per the form here-attached.
Second: Amending the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers, issued by Ministerial Decision No. (3453) of 24/12/1442H., as follows:
Adding Rule (9 bis) to read as follows: