Saudi Arabia Contract No. 1/1427 Contract of the State Leasing of Property

Original Contract Document

With the help of Allah Almighty, on….(date) 14..H corresponding to ../../200.

At the headquarters…….the agreement between:

First: (The lessee - a governmental party) represented by…..hereinafter referred to as the “First Party”.

Second: Mr. (…) holder of ID No……dated../../14..H, issued by the civil status in….represented herein by his agent Mr. (…) holder of ID No….dated ../../14..H in…, by virtue of the Power of Attorney No…dated.../../14..H, issued by ….hereinafter referred to as the “Second Party”.


Whereas the “First Party” wishes to rent a property in order to use….., and whereas he expressed his wish to do so in the daily newspapers as shown in Article 4 of the Law of State Leasing and Vacating of Property, issued by virtue of Royal Decree No. 61 M dated 18/09/1427 H.

Pursuant to the offer submitted by the “Second Party” to that effect on ../../14..H and his acknowledgment that he is not an affiliate of the “First Party”.