Qatar Law No. 1/2022 Issuing the Social Insurance Law


Qatar Law No. 24/2002 dated 06/08/2002

We, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar,

Pursuant to the perusal of the Constitution,

Qatar Law No. 24/2002 Concerning Retirement and Pensions, and its amendments;

The Labour Law issued by Qatar Law No. 14/2004, and its amendments;

Qatar Law No. 13/2006 concerning military retirement and Pensions;

Qatar Law No. 4/2007 issuing the Unified Law of Insurance Protection Extension to GCC Member State Citizens

Working abroad in any of the GCC member states, as amended by Qatar Law No. 5/2021;

The State's Financial System Law issued by Qatar Law No. 2/2015;

The Civil Human Resources Law issued by Qatar Law No. 15/2016, as amended by Qatar Law No. 23/2020; and

Based upon the proposal of the Cabinet and the approval of the Shura Council,

Have decided to ratify the following Law:

Article 1

The provisions of the Social Insurance Law attached to the present Law shall be enforced.

Article 2