Kuwait Decree-Law No. 6/2024 On the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes


After perusal of the Constitution,

Emiri Order issued on 2 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 H., corresponding to 10 May 2024;

Kuwait Decree No. 3/1955 On Kuwait Income Tax and its amending laws;

Kuwait Law No. 32/1968 on Currency, the Central Bank of Kuwait and the Organisation of Banking Business, and its amending laws;

Kuwait Decree-Law No. 38/1980 On the Issuance of the Civil and Commercial Procedure Law, and its amending laws;

Kuwait Decree-Law No. 20/1981 On the Establishment of a Circuit in the Court of First Instance for Adjudicating Administrative Disputes, as amended by Kuwait Law No. 61/1982;

Kuwait Decree-Law No. 23/1990 On the Regulation of the Judiciary, and its amending Laws;

Kuwait Law No. 1/1993 On Protecting Public Funds, and its amending laws;

Kuwait Law No. 19/2000 On the Support and Encouragement of National Manpower to Work in Non-governmental Entities, as amended by Law No. 32/2003;

Kuwait Law No. 5/2003 On Approving the GCC Unified Economic Agreement;

Kuwait Law No. 10/2003 On the Common Customs Law for GCC States;