Bahrain Law No. 35/2012 With Respect to Consumer Protection

We, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Having reviewed the Constitution,

Bahrain Decree No. 1/1961 with respect to the establishment of the Commerce Registry, as amended,

Bahrain Decree-Law No. 14/1973 with respect to the Organisation of Advertising,

Bahrain Law No. 3/1975 with respect to Public Health, as amended, Bahrain Decree-Law No. 18/1975 with respect to Fixing Prices and Control thereof, as amended by Bahrain Decree-Law No. 11/1977, The Penal Code promulgated by Bahrain Decree-Law No. 15/1976, as amended,

Bahrain Decree-Law No. 6/1977 with respect to Weights, Measures, and Pints, as amended by Bahrain Decree-Law No.8/1983, Bahrain Decree-Law No. 3/1985 with respect to Control of Imported Foodstuffs,

Bahrain Decree-Law No. 16/1985 with respect to Standards and Specifications, as amended by Bahrain Decree-Law No. 13/1992, The Law of Commerce promulgated by Bahrain Decree-Law No. 7/1987, as amended,

Bahrain Decree-Law No. 6/1990 with respect to Control of Precious Metals,

Bahrain Decree-Law No. 10/1990 with respect to Control of Pearls and Stones of Value,