Issue No. 708 - August 2021

Government of United Arab Emirates Official Gazette

New Federal Cabinet Decision

Cabinet Decision No. 74/2021

On social assistance.

Public Law

New Federal Ministerial Decisions

Ministerial Decision No. 99/2021

On the procedures and controls of bringing medical products with passengers coming to the country.

Public Law

Ministerial Decision No. 100/2021

On reducing the selling prices of medicines for the Abbott Company.

Public Law

Ministerial Decision No. 101/2021

On determining the selling prices of medicines for the listed items (Botox/Fillers).

Public Law

New Federal Certificates

Federal Certificate

On the declaration of the amendment of the articles of association of the Insurance House Company (public joint stock company).

Private law

Federal Certificate

On the declaration of the amendment of the articles of association of National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah (public joint stock company).

Private law