Issue No. 691 - November 2020

Government of United Arab Emirates Official Gazette

New Federal Cabinet Decision

Cabinet Decision No. 79/2020

On the adoption of the media entity of the UAE.

Public Law

New Federal Ministerial Decisions

Ministerial Decision No. 691/2020

On the formation of the tax dispute resolution committees for the Emirate of the United Arab Emirates.

Public Law

Ministerial Decision No. 355/2020

On the determination of the selling prices for medicines.

Public Law

New Federal Administrative Decisions

Securities and Commodities Authority Certificate

On the amendment of the Statute of Amlak for Development–Public Joint Stock Company.

Private law

Securities and Commodities Authority Certificate

On the amendment of the Statute of National Petroleum Construction Company–Public Joint Stock Company.

Private law

Securities and Commodities Authority Certificate

On the amendment of the Statute of Gulfa Mineral Water–Public Joint Stock Company.

Private law