Issue No. 572 - November 2014
Government of United Arab Emirates
Issued on
30 Nov 2014 (corresponding to 5 Safar 1436 H)
New Federal Laws
Federal Law No. 10/2014
Amending certain provisions of the Civil Procedure Law issued by Federal Law No. 11/1992.
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Federal Law No. 11/2014
Amending certain provisions of Federal Law No. 8/2009 on military decorations, medals and insignia.
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Federal Law No. 12/2014
On the regulation of the auditing profession.
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Federal Law No. 13/2014
Amending Federal Law No. 1/1972 on the Competencies of the Ministries and Powers of the Ministers and its amendments.
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Federal Law No. 14/2014
On the control of communicable diseases.