Issue No. 497 - August 2009

Government of United Arab Emirates State

New Federal Decree-Law

Federal Decree-Law No. 5/2009

On the amendment of certain provisions of the Federal Law No. 28/2001 on the establishment of Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology.

Processed as part of standard subscription

New Federal Decrees

Federal Decree No. 63/2009

On the renewal of the secondment of a member of the diplomatic and consular staff.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 64/2009

On the appointment of an executive director of institutional and support services affairs in the Ministry of State for Federal National Council affairs.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 65/2009

On the appointment of an executive director for inspection affairs in the Ministry of Labor.

Private law only processed on request