Issue No. 451 - July 2006

Government of United Arab Emirates

New Federal Decrees

Federal Decree No. 45/2006

Issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the promotion of officers in the Armed Forces.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 46/2006

Issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the referral and termination of officers in the Armed Forces.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 47/2006

Issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the referral and appointment of officers in the Armed Forces.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 48/2006

On the Agreement on equal treatment of berthing and ports fees between the UAE government and the government of the Republic of Italy.

Processed as part of standard subscription

New Cabinet Resolutions