Issue No. 445 - March 2006
Government of United Arab Emirates
Issued on
29 Mar 2006 (corresponding to 29 Safar 1427 H)
New Federal Decree-Law
Federal Decree-Law No. 1/2006
On the amendment of certain provisions of the Federal Law No. 1/1972 on competence of ministries and jurisdiction of ministers.
Processed as part of standard subscription
New Cabinet Resolution
Cabinet Resolution No. 9/2006
On the formation of the ministerial services committee.
Processed as part of standard subscription
New Ministerial Resolutions
Ministerial Resolution No. 54/2006
On the amendment of the statute of National Marine Dredging Company - Public Joint-Stock Company -.
Private law only processed on request
Ministerial Resolution No. 78/2006
On the amendment of the statute of Arab Scandinavian Insurance Company - Public Joint-Company -.
Private law only processed on request
Ministerial Resolution No. 78/2006
On the organization of the use of seals pertaining to the Ministry.
Processed as part of standard subscription