Issue No. 338 - January 1999
Government of United Arab Emirates
Issued on
1 Jan 1999 (corresponding to 13 Ramadan 1419 H)
New Federal Resolutions
Federal Resolution No. 8/1999
On the amendment of an article in the regulation on the affairs of employees) (amending Resolution No. 7/1982 AD).
Processed as part of standard subscription
Federal Resolution No. 9/1999
On the balance sheet for the fiscal year expired on 31/12/1997 AD.
Processed as part of standard subscription
Federal Resolution No. 34/51/1999
On the organizational structure of the General Secretariat of Municipalities.
Private law only processed on request
Federal Resolution No. 138/1999
On the commissioning of Dr. Mohamed Abdullatif Khalifa Mohamed with the work of assistant of the director of the University General Requirements Unit.
Private law only processed on request