Issue No. 338 - January 1999

Government of United Arab Emirates

New Federal Resolutions

Federal Resolution No. 8/1999

On the amendment of an article in the regulation on the affairs of employees) (amending Resolution No. 7/1982 AD).

Processed as part of standard subscription

Federal Resolution No. 9/1999

On the balance sheet for the fiscal year expired on 31/12/1997 AD.

Processed as part of standard subscription

Federal Resolution No. 34/51/1999

On the organizational structure of the General Secretariat of Municipalities.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Resolution No. 138/1999

On the commissioning of Dr. Mohamed Abdullatif Khalifa Mohamed with the work of assistant of the director of the University General Requirements Unit.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Resolution No. 142/1999