Issue No. 288 - January 1995
Government of United Arab Emirates
Issued on
1 Jan 1995 (corresponding to 29 Rajab 1415 H)
New Federal Law
Federal Law No. 22/1995
On the regulation of the profession of auditors (abrogating Federal Law No. 9/1975 AD).
Processed as part of standard subscription
New Federal Decrees
Federal Decree No. 68/1995
On pensioningoff of Lieutenant Colonel Taher Abd Al Bari Al Janibi.
Private law only processed on request
Federal Decree No. 69/1995
On the promotion of an officer, Major Sheikh Taleb Bin Saqr Al Kassimi to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Private law only processed on request
Federal Decree No. 74/1995
On the promotion of an officer, Major Ali Mohamed Bou Josaym to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Private law only processed on request