Issue No. 274 - January 1995

Government of United Arab Emirates

New Federal Decrees

Federal Decree No. 4/1995

On the promotion and pensioningoff of two officers, Lieutenant General Abdullah Ahmed Al Batami and Major Rashed Ali Ahmed Al Moutawa'a.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 5/1995

On pensioning of officers.

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Federal Decree No. 6/1995

On the appointment of a police officer as a Lieutenant General (Amended by virtue of Decree No. 22/1995 AD).

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Federal Decree No. 2/1995

On the amendment of certain articles of the Convention establishing the International Maritime Organization ratified by virtue of Federal Decree No. 10/1981 (concerning the approval of the adherence of the UAE State to the InterGovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization)* (amending Federal Decree No. 10/1981 AD).