Issue No. 170 - January 1986

Government of United Arab Emirates

New Federal Laws

Federal Law No. 23/1986

On the commemorative medal for the foundation of the state federation.

Processed as part of standard subscription

New Federal Decrees

Federal Decree No. 93/1986

On the transfer of services of a diplomat, Mr. Daoud Suleiman Al Suksuk to the Bureau of the President of the State in a position equivalent to the position thereof.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 94/1986

On the appointment of a public prosecutor, Mr. Jaafar Abdul Latif Abdullah.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 95/1986

On the appointment of a public prosecutor, Mr. Omar Al Sheikh Othman Abdul Jawad Al Kayati.

Private law only processed on request