Issue No. 89 - January 1981

Government of United Arab Emirates

New Federal Decrees

Federal Decree No. 8/1981

On the adherence to an international agreement on the repression of illegal seizure of aircrafts.

Processed as part of standard subscription

Federal Decree No. 9/1981

On the adherence to an international Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft.

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Federal Decree No. 1/1981

On the promotion to the post of assistant undersecretary, Mr. Salem Ali Al Mahmoud, Director General of the General Postal Authority.

Private law only processed on request

Federal Decree No. 2/1981

On the promotion to the post of assistant undersecretary in the Ministry of Transport, Mr. Mohammed Yehiya Al Souwaidi.

Private law only processed on request