Issue No. 31786 - March 2022

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on the Technological Product Investment Support Program.

Public Law

Turkey Regulation

On Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency Personnel Promotion and Title Change.

Public Law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on the Electricity Market Connection and System Usage.

Public Law

New Turkey Communiqués

Turkey Communiqué No. 15/2022

Amending the Communiqué on Supporting the Conversion from Gold Accounts to Turkish Lira Deposit and Participation Accounts (Turkey Communiqué No. 16/2021).

Private law

Turkey Communiqué No. 14/2022

Amending the Communiqué on Supporting the Conversion of Turkish Lira Deposit and Participation Accounts (Turkey Communiqué No. 14/2021)

Private law

Turkey Communiqué No. 13/2022

Amending the Communiqué on Deposit and Participation System for Residents Abroad Accounts (Turkey Communiqué No. 7/2022).

Private law

New Turkey Constitutional Court Decisions

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision No. 77E/2021, 93K/2021

Decision of the Constitutional Court dated 16/12/2021 and numbered 77E/2021, 93K/2021.

Private law