Issue No. 31781 - March 2022

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey International Treaty

Turkey Decision No. 5305/2022

Regarding the Approval of the Attached "Amendment 1" Text Signed in Ankara on 14 February 2022 on behalf of the Republic of Turkey on the Grant Agreement for the Health Infrastructure Project in Kilis between the Republic of Turkey and the Development Bank of the Council of Europe.

Public Law

New Turkey Appointment Decisions

Turkey Appointment Decision No. 91/2022

Appointments Made by the Presidency.

Private law

Turkey Appointment Decision No. 92/2022

Appointments Made by the Presidency.

Private law

Turkey Appointment Decision No. 93/2022

Appointments Made by the Presidency.

Private law

Turkey Appointment Decision No. 94/2022

Appointments Made by the Presidency.