Issue No. 31717 - January 2022

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decision

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 5092/2022

Amending the Decision on the Establishment of the Organization of the National Defense University.

Public Law

New Turkey Regulation

Turkey Regulation

İnönü University Continuing Education Application and Research Center Regulation.

Public Law

New Turkey Communiqués

Turkey Communiqué (Sequence No. 2/2022)

Civil Servants Food Aid Regulation Implementation Communiqué.

Public Law

Turkey Communiqué (Serial No: 318)

Income Tax General Communiqué.

Public Law

Turkey Communiqué No. 63/2021

Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Livestock Supports Implementation (Turkey Communiqué No. 43/2021).

Public Law

New Turkey Announcement

Turkey Announcement

Daily Rates of Currency Exchanges and Government Debt Securities Determined by the Central Bank of Turkey.

Private law

Gazette summary by Kılınç Law and Consulting.