Issue No. 31711 - January 2022

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 5066/2022

On the Amendment of the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 5067/2022

On the Registration and Announcement of the Area, the Boundary and Coordinates of which are indicated, as a Sensitive Area to be Protected, as a result of the Evaluation of the Conservation Status of the Potential Natural Site of the Çelebibağ Flamingo Area Located within the Borders of the Erciş District of Van Province.

Public Law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 5068/2022

On Changing the Coordinates of Area No. E17 in the Coordinate List of Prohibited Areas in the Aegean Sea Annex of the Council of Ministers Decision dated 5/4/2016 and numbered 2016/8743 on Implementation of Diving Ban in Regions where Cultural and Natural Assets Required to be Protected Under Water.

Public Law