Issue No. 31634 - October 2021

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

On the Amendments to the Regulation Regarding the Procedures and Principles for the Evaluation and Classification of Motion Picture Films.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

On the Amendments to the Regulation Regarding the Personnel of the Development Agency.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

On the Data Quality Control Board.

Private law

Turkey Regulation

On the Amendments to the Regulation Regarding Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination at Atatürk University.

Private law

New Turkey Constitutional Court Decisions

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision No. 53E/2020, 55K/2021

Constitutional Court decision dated July 14, 2021 and numbered 53E/2020, 55K/2021.

Private law

Turkey Constitutional Court Decision No. 18975/2018

Constitutional Court decision dated September 15, 2021 with appeal number 18975/2018.

Private law

New Turkey Announcement

Turkey Announcement

Daily values of foreign currencies and government debt securities determined by Turkish Central Bank.

Private law