Issue No. 31616 - October 2021

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 4565/2021

On the Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovables by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation for the Construction of the “9M3076 Mzt ENH Turunçlu-Takanlı-Tol Prj Energy Transmission Line” to be Established within the Borders of the Mersin Province.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 4566/2021

On the Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovable Properties within the Borders of the Bozkurt District of the Kastamonu Province by the Housing Development Administration for the Urgent Realization of the Construction Required Due to Flood and Landslide Disasters in These Regions.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 4567/2021

On the Immediate Expropriation of Certain Immovable Properties by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation for the Construction of the Tavas-Gökçeler Neighbourhood Kabaçam Region Energy Transmission Line.

Private law