Issue No. 31526 - June 2021

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey International Treaty

Turkey Decision No. 4179/2021

On the Ratification of the Sixth Additional Protocol to the Multinational Peacekeeping Agreement in Southeast Europe.

Public Law

New Turkey Presidential Decrees

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 4180/2021

On the Establishment of Institutes, Faculties, and Schools Specified in List No. I, the Closing of Institutes, Faculties, and Schools Specified in List No. II, and Changing the Names of the Schools and Faculties Specified in List No. III.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 4181/2021

On the Registration and Declaring of the Area within the Boundaries and Coordinates of the Potential Natural Site of Geological and Natural Formations within the Boundaries of the Hınıs District of the Erzurum Province, as a Sensitive Area to be Definitively Protected as a result of the evaluation of the Conservation Status.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 4182/2021