Issue No. 31487 - May 2021
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
21 May 2021 (corresponding to 9 Shawwal 1442 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decisions
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 3998/2021
On Grant Support to be given to Tradesmen, Craftsmen, and Natural Person Merchants due to the Coronavirus Outbreak.
Public Law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 3999/2021
On Supporting Investments for Bovine and Ovine Breeding Enterprises.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. /2021
On the Establishment of the Faculties and Institutes Specified in the Attached List I, Closing the Faculties, Institutes, and Colleges Specified in the Attached List II, and Changing the Names of the Faculties Specified in the Attached List III.
Private law
New Turkey Regulations
Turkey Regulation No. 4001/2021
Amending the Regulation on Press Cards.
Public Law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Electricity Market Capacity Mechanism.
Public Law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on Renewable Energy Resource Guarantee Certificates in the Electricity Market.