Issue No. 31425 - March 2021

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Board of Judges and Prosecutors Decision

Turkey Board of Judges and Prosecutors Decision

Decisions of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors.

Private law

New Turkey Regulations

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation on Audits for Electricity Distribution Companies.

Public Law

Turkey Regulation

Amending the Regulation regarding the Principles and Rules to be Applied in Retail Trade.

Public Law

Turkey Regulation

Regarding the Precautionary Plans to be Prepared by Systemically Important Banks.

Public Law

Turkey Regulation

Regarding the Promotion and Title Change of the General Directorate Personnel of the Turkish Grain Board.

Private law

New Turkey Communiqués

Turkey Communiqué No. 2/2021

Regarding the Commitments to be Submitted for Preliminary Examinations and Investigations Regarding the Abuse of a Dominant Position and Agreements Restricting Competition, Concerted Actions, and Decisions.

Public Law

Turkey Communiqué No. 3/2021

Regarding Agreements for Concerted Actions, Undertaking Decisions, and Actions that Do Not Restrict Competition Significantly.

Public Law

New Turkey Board Decision