Issue No. 31384 - February 2021
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
3 Feb 2021 (corresponding to 21 Jumada Al-Akhar 1442 H)
New Turkey Laws
Turkey Law No. 7263/2021
Amending the Technology Development Regions Law and Certain Laws.
Public Law
Turkey Law No. 7264/2021
On Approving the Ratification of Turkey Decision No. 1/2020 Regarding the Modification of Table I of Protocol I Regarding Compromise Exchanges in Basic Crops, Processed Agricultural Products, and Fishery Products and Turkey Decision No. 2/2020 Regarding Modifying Protocol II Regarding the definition of “Product Origins” and the Methods of Administrative Cooperation of the Republic of Turkey between the Palestine Liberation Organisation on behalf of the Palestine National Authority and Authorising President Regarding the Direct Approval of Modifications Regarding Protocols and Attachments.
Public Law