Issue No. 31373 - January 2021

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decree

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 3432/2021

On the Enforcement of the Decision Amending the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 28/1/2002 and numbered 2002/3654 regarding the determination of those who will be exempted from the first paragraph of Article 1 of Turkey Law No. 4736/2002 dated 8/1/2002.

Public Law

New Turkey Decisions

Turkey Decision No. 54/2021

On the Selection of the Court of Cassation Judge İrfan FİDAN to the Constitutional Court Membership.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 55/2021

On the Selection of Hümeyra ERGİN ERCAN, the First Legal Counsel of the Sümer Holding General Directorate, to the Council of State.

Private law

Turkey Decision No. 336/2021

On the Selected Members of the Council of State by the General Assembly of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors.

Private law