Issue No. 31370 - January 2021
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
20 Jan 2021 (corresponding to 7 Jumada Al-Akhar 1442 H)
New Turkey Regulations
Turkey Regulation
On Repealing the Personnel Regulation on the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (Turkey Decision No. 3430).
Private law
Turkey Regulation
On the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Guidance and Inspection Directorate.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
On the Disciplinary and Fines to be Imposed on Chamber and Exchange Members and Amendments to the Regulation on the Disciplinary Board and High Disciplinary Board.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
On Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution Personnel.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on Exchange Transactions.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Determination and Payment of Registration Fees, Annual Fees, and Supplementary Fees.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending Regulation on Chamber Procedures.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on the Establishment and Operation of Chambers and Commodity Exchange Branches and Chamber Representatives.
Private law
Turkey Regulation
Amending the Regulation on Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in the Budget and Accounting.
Private law