Issue No. 31345 - December 2020

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Presidential Decisions

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 3328/2020

Regarding the Re-determination of the Special Consumption Tax Rates to be Applied to Certain Goods and the Provision of Clause (3) of Article 12 of the Special Consumption Tax Law No. 4760 not to be applied to these Goods for the period of January-June 2021.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 562/2020

On the Extension of the Term of the State of Emergency Procedures Investigation Commission for One Year.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 563/2020

On Changing the Occupied and Vacant Positions of Some Public Institutions and Organizations.

Private law

Turkey Presidential Decision No. 564/2020

On Changing the Occupied and Vacant Teaching Staff Positions Belonging to Some Higher Education Institutions.

Private law