Issue No. 31274 - October 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
14 Oct 2020 (corresponding to 27 Safar 1442 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decree
Turkey Presidential Decree No. 68/2020
On the Industrialization Executive Committee.
Private law
New Turkey Presidential Decisions
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 3078/2020
On the Authority of Making, Having Made, and Approving All Kinds of Land and Land Arrangements in the Area in question given to the Ministry with the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 26/9/2016 and numbered 2016/9301 regarding the Determination of Some Areas in the Van Province as the Area Authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Decision on the Extension of the Section whose Boundaries and Coordinates are Shown in the List with the Attached Sketch for a Period of One Year as of 19/10/2020.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 3079/2020
Regarding the Monetary Limit and Type of Goods or Services that can be Provided without Signing an Agreement in 2021 within the Scope of Turkey Law No. 3212/1985 dated 30/05/1985.