Issue No. 31220 - August 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
21 Aug 2020 (corresponding to 2 Muharram 1442 H)
New Turkey International Treaty
Turkey Decision No. 2838/2020
On the Approval of the Financial Agreement on the Establishment of WHO's Geographically Distinct Office for the Preparedness for Humanitarian and Health Emergencies Between the Republic of Turkey and the World Health Organization through the Regional Office in Europe in Istanbul.
Private law
New Turkey Presidential Decisions
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2835/2020
Relating to the Privatization Administration.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2836/2020
Relating to the Privatization Administration.
Private law
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2839/2020
Determining the Implementation Dates of Certain Agreements.
Private law