Issue No. 31167 - June 2020

Government of Turkey Official Gazette

New Turkey Law

Turkey Law No. 7247/2020

Amending Certain Laws and Statutory Decrees.

Private law

New Turkey International Treaty

Turkey Decision No. 2663/2020

Decree Regarding the Entry Into Force of the Agreement on the Financial Donation In the Amount Of USD 5,000,000 From the Republic of Turkey to the State of Palestine For Providing Support for the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Private law

New Turkey Presidential Decree

Turkey Presidential Decree No. 2662/2020

Regarding the Directorate of the Privatization Administration.

Private law

New Turkey Assignment Decisions

Turkey Assignment Decision No. 307/2020

Regarding the Assignments Made by the President

Private law

Turkey Assignment Decision No. 308/2020

Regarding the Assignments Made by the President

Private law