Issue No. 31157 - June 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
16 Jun 2020 (corresponding to 24 Shawwal 1441 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decision
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2654/2020
On the Establishment, Closing, Merging or Renaming of Institutes, Faculties, Schools and Academic Departments Affiliated to Certain Higher Education Institutions.
Private law
New Turkey Appointment Decisions
Turkey Appointment Decision No. 278/2020
Appointments made by the Presidency.
Private law
Turkey Appointment Decision No. 279/2020
Appointments made by the Presidency.
Private law
Turkey Appointment Decision No. 280/2020
Appointments made by the Presidency.
Private law
Turkey Appointment Decision No. 281/2020
Appointments made by the Presidency.
Private law