Issue No. 31151 - June 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
10 Jun 2020 (corresponding to 18 Shawwal 1441 H)
New Turkey Presidential Decrees
Turkey Presidential Decree No. 63/2020
On Providing Support to Victims of Crime.
Public Law
Turkey Presidential Decree No. 64/2020
Amending the Presidential Decree on the Presidential Organization.
Private law
New Turkey International Treaty
Turkey Decision No. 2647/2020
On the Approval of the Attached Amendment Protocol Signed via an Exchange of Letters regarding the Extension of the Closing Date in the Grant Agreement Executed between the Republic of Turkey and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, acting as the European Union Pre-Accession Assistance Trust Fund Manager on 19 July 2015 (Phase II project of the Energy Sector Program) effective from 28 May 2020.
Private law
New Turkey Presidential Decisions
Turkey Presidential Decision No. 2645/2020
On the Provision of Supplies to Public Institutions and Organizations from the General Directorate of the State Materials Office.
Private law