Issue No. 31144 - June 2020
Government of Turkey Official Gazette
Issued on
3 Jun 2020 (corresponding to 11 Shawwal 1441 H)
New Turkey Decision
Turkey Decision No. 2599/2020
On the Approval of the Economic and Financial Cooperation Agreement for 2020 between the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Private law
Turkey Decision
Approving Turkey Decision No. 2/2020 amending Annex II.1 regarding the definition of the term “Originating Products” and Methods of Administrative Cooperation under the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Kosovo issued by the Joint Committee, which was established as per the Free Trade Agreement made between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Kosovo.
Private law
Turkey Decision No. 2601/2020
On the Approval of the Mutual Visa Exemption Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey.
Private law
Turkey Decision
On the Establishment of the Adana Regional Administrative Court and Determination of Judicial Locality.
Private law